Sunday, May 13, 2018

Lazy Sunday

Empty pool, blue water, floating with Kaichu, egg chicken omlettes, lake side fish fingers, orange pirate, Basusree, Raazi, thunderstorm, kakima r cha, rain phuchka, parar egg roll with ma

*Special mention to me for asking phuckhawalla to give me 5 more and keeping him from covering up and running for cover B-)

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Worst. Kali Pujo Weekend Ever.

Collapsing fridge, exploding fish, quarreling Banagali Mans, and getting locked in.

But hey, my tweet got some RTs, so *that* counts for something.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Imagined Lives

My eyes hurt enough that I am scared that I may finally have ruined my eyesight.

Yesterday my laptop cord caught on fire. Literally within hours of me lecturing ma about being paranoid about imagined Horrid Things that could happen to me while I was alone at home for the weekend. Hah.

Much as I was yearning for some Alone Time, once I finally got it all I did was sleep and watch youtube videos. Which is pretty much what I would do earlier when I lived alone. I don't know why I begin to imagine this extremely glamorous or uber cool girl on her own types scenario the moment I am no longer living alone. I only remember this almost fictitious past life where I am all happy in a chic apartment lit with fairy lights, working on this splendid painting, and eating exclusively pasta or grilled salmon for dinner. I entirely fail to remember the me that is letting her laundry pile up till all her clothes stink, sleeping in till noon, deciding to start exercising tomorrow, and just eating eggs all day because like hello why bother cooking when you can just make some eggs. And then moping about another wasted day once its inexplicably already evening. Frankly, barring all the Family Drama,  the Real Living Alone Me is not THAT different from the me that is living with parents. Except I have clean clothes because mummy does my laundry (you know, cause I am only in my thirties), I eat better cause mummy does my cooking, except on SOME weekends (again, because I am only thirty three--also because my parents really wouldn't eat most of what I would cook) and I sulk about all the exercise and painting I would get done if only I was living alone and had more time and Space to Myself.

I shall now go maybe work on a sketch. Haha, just kidding.  My eyes hurt. Sketching would ruin them. I shall just watch Youtube instead.

Weird EDIT: I was actually NOT 33 when I wrote this... I was like 30 or 31, but I spent the entire year thinking I was 33 an even telling people I was 33 until K pointed out like hullo you are not 33. So. Yeah, I should prolly get my brain checked.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Things that failed to move me today

1. The India vs Pak match (the men's T20 World Cup, not the women's. I didnt watch either, though :-/)
2. Prospect of a bacon chicken wrap and cold coffee for dinner
3. My internet coming back on
4. The possibility of hanging out with friends while watching India Pak match (The men's one.)
5. An omelette stuffed with cheese and chicken
6. The fact that it is a Saturday
7. The fact that tomorrow is Sunday

Things that did move me:

An afternoon thunderstorm. Although I was upset it didn't last too long.

I am dead inside.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Mysterious Allergies

Are bringing me down, mamah. :-(

Saw my first Montalbano tv show yesterday. Beautiful, lush, well cast, as hilarious as the books, but with more sex and with more good looking people.

Chuckled at genuine pain expressed by male friend at Montalbano's inability to have sex with Hot-Girl-Inexplicably-throwing-herself-on-ageing-plump-detective because of his Most Inconvenient GF. Esp since said male friend is also an ex. Haha. He stared forlornly at the screen and called Monatlbano "bechara" and maintained huffy silence when I pointed out this love storyline was getting a bit too pyanpyane for my liking.

Shockingly, this Hot Girl did NOT turn out to be femme fatale in the end, instead, stoically sacrificed her life much to Montalbano's anguish and UST. Ex threw me a vindicated look that said, "dekhli toh? genuine prem chhilo." Well, he actually said that aloud as well. But I was mightily annoyed at this ending. Firstly, it did NOT meet my genre expectations, and sometimes, I like my genre tropes unmeddled with. And secondly, it meant the Hot Girl was a genuine pyanpyaney person falling madly in lowe with takla mota detective after ONE meal for NO good reason.

Typically, in dick fic, all of the Woman's embarrassing falling all over the Dick-ness is vindicated in the end when she suddenly pulls a gun on him and threatens to blow his brains out. Haha, it had been an act all along, you sucker! The Dick is aghast/non aghast,  has either not seen this coming or known all along, but at least we have the comfort of knowing that the Woman is not a moron. Just evil. Which is usually completely understandable, if you ask me.

Hard boiled women are way better when served with a side of evil (or street smarts/dry wit/understated intelligence) than almost out of place lovey dovey ness.

But no matter.  I shall obviously watch more Montalbano episodes. They should keep me going while I look for more of the books.

I just wish they would stop showing so much food. They just remind me of my damned allergies.


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Pizza craving

People are *always* eating in The Sopranos. Always. And that has been giving me the biggest pasta-cold cuts-pizza craving ever. But Season 3 seems to be the lets-contrive-plot-points-that let-us-depict-violence-on-women season.

First, the horrific rape of Dr Melfi. They showed the entire things. With Melfi screaming the whole time. It is bad enough that they had to depict rape. But what is worse that they picked the only completely financially and emotionally and professionally independent woman in the show to be raped.

As far as scraping the bottom of the sexist barrel goes, though, I was deeply impressed that the show did *not* use it as a way to forward Tony's character arc but miraculously and rather non-fussily managed to make it about Melfi's own story. As far as the "aftertreatment" of  a rape character goes, this was by far the most mature and in some ways, even empowering. I am glad that we don't hear much of it later. Melfi is back in her office, with her annoying voice,  and creepy hair that never moves, asking Tony Soprano to consider if his girlfriends represent his mother, with no one none the wiser. While I know some people thought that the show moved on too quickly from her rape, I am glad they did. That made her a rape survivor, of sorts I guess, and  not just a victim. Very rarely in TV, movies, or in the news, do we see the victim surviving rape and moving on with life part of things. It worked in a way. helped "demystify" rape to a certain extent.

Also, while they did depict the entire rape scene, I am glad they did not drag it out. See how that was done GOT makers? That wasn't too difficult now,was it? 

So as far as that goes, points(!) to Sopranos.

However, the murder of that dancer girl. O my god. What the HELL were you thinking with THAT, Soprano? 


I must resume watching the show. High time I got over the PTSD inducing Seasons 3 and 4

Pizza craving

People are *always* eating in The Sopranos. Always. And that has been giving me the biggest pasta-cold cuts-pizza craving ever. But Season 3 seems to be the lets-contrive-plot-points-that let-us-depict-violence-on-women season.

First, the horrific rape of Dr Melfi. They showed the entire things. With Melfi screaming the whole time. It is bad enough that they had to depict rape. But what is worse that they picked the only completely financially and emotionally and professionally independent woman in the show to be raped.

As far as scraping the bottom of the sexist barrel goes, though, I was deeply impressed that the show did *not* use it as a way to forward Tony's character arc but miraculously and rather non-fussily managed to make it about Melfi's own story. As far as the "aftertreatment" of  a rape character goes, this was by far the most mature and in some ways, even empowering. I am glad that we don't hear much of it later. Melfi is back in her office, with her annoying voice,  and creepy hair that never moves, asking Tony Soprano to consider if his girlfriends represent his mother, with no one none the wiser. While I know some people thought that the show moved on too quickly from her rape, I am glad they did. That made her a rape survivor, of sorts I guess, and  not just a victim. Very rarely in TV, movies, or in the news, do we see the victim surviving rape and moving on with life part of things. It worked in a way. helped "demystify" rape to a certain extent.

Also, while they did depict the entire rape scene, I am glad they did not drag it out. See how that was done GOT makers? That wasn't too difficult now,was it? 

So as far as that goes, points(!) to Sopranos.

However, the murder of that dancer girl. O my god. What the HELL were you thinking with THAT, Soprano? 


I must resume watching the show. High time I got over the PTSD inducing Seasons 3 and 4